Create an audio track mixer / 创建一个音轨合并器
An audio track mixer / 一个音轨合并器
Add an audio track (MediaStreamTrack) into the mixer. / 向合并器添加一个音轨 (音轨)
An audio track / 一个音轨
Return the mixer itself, so it support the chain invoke. / 返回音轨合并器本身以支持链式调用
Clear cache of the mixer and destroy it. / 销毁合并器
An promise
Get media stream which contains mixed audio track, you can play it directly. / 直接获取包含合并后音轨的媒体流,可用于直接播放
The media stream includes the mixed audio track / 返回媒体流
Get the mixed track from the mixer after mixing tracks. / 获取经过合并器合并后的音轨
The mixed audio track / 合并后的音轨
Get the volume of the mixed track. / 获取合并后音轨的音量
Volume range [0, 100] / 返回的音量范围为 [0, 100]
Get all original tracksr (not the mixed one). / 获取所有原始音轨
Return all original tracks / 返回所有原始音轨
Mute a track. / 将某条音轨静音
The track added into the mixer / 指定音轨
True if mute successfully, False when failure / 成功时返回 true,失败时返回 false
Remove an audio track from the mixer. / 将某条音轨从合并器中移除
The audio track added into the mixer. / 已合并的音轨
Return the mixer itself to support the chain invoke. / 返回合并器本身以支持链式调用
Set volume of the track added into the mixer. / 调节原始音轨的输出音量
The track added into the mixer / 指定音轨
Volume range [0, 100] / 指定音量,可设范围 [0, 100]
Unmute the track added into the mixer. / 将某条音轨取消静音
The track added into the mixer / 指定音轨
True if unmute successfully, False when failure / 成功时返回 true, 失败时返回 false
Get MediaStream from HTMLMediaElement. / 从媒体元素中获取媒体流
MediaStream / 媒体流
Get all audio tracks from a MediaStream. / 直接从 媒体流 中提取出所有音频轨道
A source MediaStream / 一条媒体流
An Array of audio kind MediaStreamTrack / 包含若干个音轨的数组
Generated using TypeDoc
import AudioTrackMixer from 'audio-track-mixer';